Traveling Naturalist – We will come to you!

Duration: 30-45 minutes
Cost: $80 for first program, $55 for additional programs on same day, $25 mileage fee beyond 25 miles away.
Maximum Group Size: 40 participants



Naturalists review bird adaptations with students and discuss the how and why birds migrate. Students will track bird migration on eBird or weather radar. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to use binoculars as they walk around the outside of the school. Naturalists will also help the students start a bird journal. (5-PS3-1, 5-ESS3-1, MS-LS1-7, MS-LS2-1, MS-LS2-3, MS-LS2-4, MS-LS2-2)


Students view a variety of fossil specimens, learn about the process of fossilization, and use a scientist’s deductive reasoning to describe an “ancient ecosystem”. (MS-ESS2-3, MS-ESS3-1)


Michigan is home to a wide variety of invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Learn about the adaptations of these animals that make them fit for living in the Michigan climate as well as the threats towards their populations. (MS-LS1-4)


Learn about the sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks that make up the earth’s surface. We have many rock and mineral samples for students to see and touch. (MS-ESS2-3, MS-ESS3-1)


Discover the world of herpetology by looking into the differences between reptiles and amphibians. Both native and non-native species will be discussed using our live animal ambassadors. (K-LS1-1 KESS3-1 1-LS1-1 2-LS4-1 3-LS1-1 4-LS1-1 4-LS1-2 MS-LS2-1 MS-LS2-4 MS-LS1-4)


This is our most popular program! Sarett naturalists will bring a variety of animal ambassadors and taxidermied mounts to discuss animal adaptations, diet and habitat of different animal types. (K-LS1-1 K-ESS3-1 1-LS1-1 2-LS4-1 4-LS1-1 4-LS1-2 MS-LS2-1 MS-LS2-4 MS-LS1-4)


What impact do we have on the environment? How does everything we do affect a watershed? In this conservation class, learn what you can do to help reduce your impact on the world around you. (MS-LS2-5, MS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4, HS-LS2-7, HS-LS4-6, HS-ESS3-3)

*Many of our animal ambassadors are affected by temperature. If you are looking to do your program outside, please decide on a backup program or date in case we cannot do the program as requested.